Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is George W. Bush the Greatest President in American History?

(London, United Kingdom - September 25, 2007) Have you ever wondered if subliminal conditioning really works?

It seems not a day goes by without someone publishing another self-help book that promises to transform your life. In fact we've become so used to this that we often take cutting-edge breakthroughs almost for granted.

This could be the case for a groundbreaking new goal-setting system called: The Intention Generator

Created by Tony McKenzie, a London-based coach and trainer, this online program promises to create a transformation in your life so profound that you may experience a permanent shift as you dissolve the barriers to your success.

What separates this new system from its rivals is its miraculous speed in creating results by utilizing a cutting-edge subliminal technology.

At the core of this system is a powerful subliminal recording that promises to "adjust" your mind to accept a new belief as the "truth" in one minute 42 seconds after listening to it just once!

There are many skeptics who question the effectiveness of subliminal recordings, and even conventional thinking on them states that it may take weeks and even months for them to have any effect.

Mr. McKenzie has answered these critics and skeptics by creating a short subliminal movie and releasing it on YouTube that literally conditions people to believe that George W Bush, the current US Commander in Chief, is in fact the greatest president in American history.

Considering his current standing in US opinion polls, this would seem to be the perfect test of this new technology; however Tony is keen to point out that the effects of the movie are not permanent.

You can find out more about this amazing new online system by going to:

You can watch the subliminal movie on YouTube by going to: YouTube

Tony McKenzie lives in London, and owns the coaching and training firm TD McKenzie Training, which specialises in cutting edge strategies for personal and organisational change; he is also the author of the book You Were Born Invincible as the well as the creator of several other state-of-the-art mind conditioning programs, including The McKenzie Mastery Process, Quit Smoking in 3 Minutes, Instant Speed Learning and The Intention GeneratorT Mind Conditioning System.

Media Contact

TD McKenzie Training
+44 (0) 2084231190

Monday, September 24, 2007

Amid Turmoil, Haitian University Develops Future Leaders

Immediate Release – 9/24/2007

Contact: Brian McElroy

(952) 564-1817

New York, NY (9/24/2007)

It seems that nothing can hold back Fr. Joseph Philippe and his fledgling university in rural Haiti. On September 19th, the University of Fondwa (UNIF) opened its doors for the fall semester, even after a summer of economic and political turmoil that continues to plague the country.

The university was founded in January, 2004 to celebrate Haiti's 200 years of independence. It educates young people from throughout rural Haiti in Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine, and Management, and the students pledge to return to their home communities to work in sustainable development after graduation. In a country that is 80% mountainous, UNIF is the first university in the mountains that caters directly to the needs of the peasantry.

In its first year of operation, President of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown in a coup d'etat, forcing several university professors to leave the country in the ensuing instability. Yet the university remained open through it all.

Fr. Joseph is known as the founder of Fonkoze, Haiti's largest microcredit bank for the poor. He has turned his attention to UNIF, because "education provides the means to fight poverty in Haiti." He envisions training three professionals for each of Haiti's 565 rural communities, so that they can provide for their own needs rather than depending on the whims of donors.

In 2007, a new group was formed in the United States to support the expansion of the university and fulfill the dream of Fr. Joseph. The UNIF USA Foundation ( was registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Florida in February 2007, and Executive Director Brian McElroy was hired to lead the new entity in June.

The university's students come from poor peasant families, and have to be supported through scholarships from individual donors. Because of its rural location, UNIF has to provide its own electricity and water, and import food from the city. There is no electricity in the student dorms, but the students often stay up late studying by candlelight regardless. They exhibit the same passion for transforming rural Haiti as Fr. Joseph, and are getting the training they need to act on their dreams at UNIF.


About UNIF USA Foundation

The UNIF USA Foundation supports the University of Fondwa, Haiti's first and only rural university. It is lead by Executive Director Brian McElroy and an active Board of Directors, as well as numerous volunteers. Brian can be reached at (952) 564-1817 or, and the Foundation's address is 203 17th Street, Suite 25, Brooklyn, NY 11215. For more information about UNIF USA, please visit our website at Interviews, further information, and a short film about the project are available upon request.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Which National Football League TeamsAre the Most “Literary”?

(Fountain Hills, AZ -- September 18, 2007) From time to time during the broadcast of an NFL game the announcer will describe one of the teams as a “storied franchise.” The dictionary defines the word “storied” as “celebrated or famous in history or story.” In the case of a football team, how is this measured? Which franchises are the truly “storied” ones?

One reflection of a team having attained “storied” status might be the number of books published on the subject of that team. Arizona author Brian Hill, (Over Time, a novel and the nonfiction book, The Making of a Bestseller, about the publishing industry,) comes up with the answer. “I visited and did a simple search of their online bookstore, typing in the name of (each NFL team) + football.”

Using this method, the top-ten most written about, the most “storied,” the most literary NFL teams (out of a total of 32 teams in the league) turn out to be:

1. Dallas Cowboys
2. New York Giants
3. Green Bay Packers
4. Chicago Bears
5. Washington Redskins
6. Cleveland Browns
7. Miami Dolphins
8. New York Jets
9. New England Patriots
10. Detroit Lions

Hill continues, “There was a wide disparity between the top of the ranking and the bottom. The top four teams were each cited more than 400 times in the search, the lowest ranking team, only 45 times. The average for all the teams was 185.”

Why are some teams written about so much more than others?

Experience Counts
The Giants, Packers, Bears, Redskins and Browns are all teams that began in the early days of the National Football League. They have the most accumulated history, so it makes sense there would be more good material for writers to draw from.

Winning is Everything
The teams that have won the most NFL Championships are the Green Bay Packers (12-time champions), Chicago Bears (9 times) and the New York Giants (6 times). These three teams are all in the top four.

The Power of Numbers
Each year the Harris polling organization does an online survey, released in late September, asking people to name their two favorite pro football teams. In 2005, the results were as follows:

Green Bay Packers 16%
Dallas Cowboys 14%
New England Patriots 13%
Pittsburgh Steelers 13%
Philadelphia Eagles 10%
San Francisco 49ers 10%

What All NFL Fans Have in Common

Hill believes one thing is certain: “Fans of each and every NFL team are eager consumers of literature about their heroes. Hopefully, this research may help break down some of the unfortunate tribal stereotypes that arise between bitter rivals in the NFL. For instance, Giants fans have always assumed that Cowboys fans get most of their information from video games and daytime TV. Not so. Cowboys fans are the most well-read of all. And it may come as a shock to Chicago Bears fans that Green Bay Packers fans actually know how to read, when in fact the cheese wedges they wear on their heads were actually designed to be a handy way to store and carry books.”

Millions of NFL football fans around the globe have found that reading about their favorite team’s history, lore and accomplishments is a great way to spend a crisp autumn afternoon. This is particularly true during times when the current edition of their beloved team is having a losing season. Books help keep the memories of past championship glory alive forever.

Are you ready for some READING?


About Brian Hill

Brian Hill was inspired by his own experiences in the world of finance and his love of NFL Football to write Over Time, He has also written several nonfiction books including The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories from Authors and the Editors, Agents and Booksellers Behind Them, Dearborn Trade, 2005. Hill blogs about the NFL, sportswriters and the media at

Contact him through his website

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Real Music Puts Pizzazz In Blood Pressure Breathing Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 10, 2007

Contact Information:
The Low Pressure Zone
David O´Hara

Control Your Blood Pressure

Real Music Puts Pizzazz In Blood Pressure Breathing Program

A new, upgraded version of the Breatheasy system, which uses a clinically proven technique to help users control their blood pressure without medication or supplements, has just been released by The Low Pressure Zone ( The upgrade adds new music to the audio system as well as showcasing numerous technical improvements that make it even more enjoyable and easier to use.

San Diego, CA – September 10, 2007 – The Low Pressure Zone today announced the release of a new version of the Breatheasy system (, an audio program that helps people control their blood pressure in a completely natural way using clinically proven slow breathing techniques. The Breatheasy system is unique in that it integrates slow breathing with real music. In this way it promotes deep relaxation combined with slow breathing which makes it far more effective than either relaxation or slow breathing alone.

“Unlike competitors who require the purchase of expensive slow breathing devices at several hundred dollars, the Breatheasy system offers slow breathing in an easy to use audio program, available on either CDs or mp3,” says David O’Hara, creator of the Breatheasy system. “You can even download it and start immediately. The Breatheasy system is sold at under $50, making it a more affordable option for those already suffering from the high costs of drugs, supplements and other blood pressure treatments. We even offer a free online demo at, so people can try the system before deciding to buy.”

High blood pressure is a hot topic in both the medical community and in the minds of consumers due to it being a risk factor for several other serious diseases and conditions. The Breatheasy system allows users to lower their blood pressure without the use of medications or any other consumable products.

With reports over the last several years showing dangerous trends in young people suffering from higher blood pressure, as well as a possible correlation between hypertension and commonly consumed products like caffeine and over-the-counter pain medications, learning how to control your blood pressure would be a valuable skill. Prescription medications, supplements, “miracle remedies” and even lifestyle changes deliver unpredictable results and are not the answer for everyone.

“You only need to spend fifteen minutes a day using the system to obtain benefits in your blood pressure control,” says Dr. Cameron, a British physician and founder of He describes Breatheasy as a “scientifically designed method of coordinating music with your breathing.”


About Breatheasy:

The Breatheasy System was developed by The Low Pressure Zone to be a totally safe and truly natural alternative for lowering high blood pressure. By working entirely from within, it differs greatly from medications, supplements and any other form of ingestible remedy. Breatheasy was originally launched in early 2006 by David O’Hara, founder of The Low Pressure Zone, with a product upgrade released in September 2007.

For more information about the Breatheasy system and how it can help users relax and lower their blood pressure safely and naturally, please visit or contact David O’Hara at

David K. O’Hara
Control Your Blood Pressure

Friday, August 24, 2007

Dog Friendly Vacations - Five Tips for Dog Friendly Vacations

(Santa Fe, New Mexico - August 24, 2007) Dog Friendly Vacations – Five Tips

Many families these days consider their dogs a member of their family, so when vacation time roles around they want a dog friendly vacation.

1. Make sure your canine companion is up to date with their vaccinations and that you have paperwork from your vet that says so. Some hotels require documentation and if you arrive to check in, after your vet has closed there's no way to get it.

2. Your pet must have a strong collar, leash and ID tag and should wear all three any time you're outside your car or hotel room. Even if your dog is well trained to walk off leash at home, in a new and strange environment, they may get distracted. Make sure you put your cell phone number on the ID tag. If you're not home, your home phone number won't do you much good.

3. If you're traveling by car, take at least a gallon of water for each day of the first few days of the trip. Remember to pack a water bowl. Puppy pals drink a lot more water than you might think and it's difficult for them to get enough to drink out of a glass or bottle. Dehydration is not a good thing and can lead to a sick dog and ruined vacation.

4. Prepare for emergencies. Have your vet's phone number handy. Pack any medications for your dog. If your vet approves pack medication for diarrhea, allergies, and motion sickness. Take a few moments and do a web search to find an emergency vet clinic in every location you visit. Make a note of the vet's address, phone number and the nearest cross streets. Take the list with you when you travel. You'll save precious time.

5. Remember to have fun. Take your dog's favorite toy, chewie and blanket. You can use the trip to teach him or her a few new tricks. Or just snooze under a shady tree.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Golfers, want to save money

(Phoenix, AZ - August 23, 2007) Local author releases report, The Budget Conscious Golfer and website for Golfers on a Budget. Golf is definitely not an inexpensive game to play, but avid golfers seem willing to spend almost any amount to pursue their love of the links. In the United States, golfers spend more than $25 billion annually on equipment and green fees, not to mention travel, food and beverage, lessons and instruction materials. About 80% of the $25 billion is spent on public and private green fees, with $5 billion going toward equipment (clubs, ball, bags, gloves and shoes). On-fourth of all gofers could be considered avid golfers, those who play more than 25 rounds annually. They account for about two-thirds of all golf spending.

Golf travel is another huge industry. Golfers spend more than $25 billion on travel, 75% of this goes for hotels, transportation, and food and beverage. These statistics are courtesy of the National Golf Foundation (

All this can add up to a hefty annual expenditure on the game, particularly for avid golfers. But it is possible to stretch your golf dollar, to spend less and enjoy the game more. Paying more than $100 for a greens fee, or spending $500/day for a golf vacation, can take both a bite out of your wallet and reduce your enthusiasm for the game. For the average golfer whose score is 98, that means each stroke cost more than $1, and for the traveling golfer, the $500/day price tag translates into $5 a swing.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Format for a press release

Find out about our press release distribution service to nearly 800 newspapers.

A press release, sometimes called a news release is an announcement to the media of a newsworthy happening. Newsworthy is the key word here. Just because you have a new product doesn't mean that the news media will be interested in it.

The release below is for a book, but you can substitute product, software, or service.

Format for a News Release

Immediate Release – and today’s date (or the date the paper should publish the release if it is time related)

Contact Information:
Your name
Your phone number
Your email address

Try not to have the headline be the same old, same old. New Book Released by Local Author. Or New Book Tells Why Your Kids Are Rotten. This is make or break it time. The headline is what will entice the reporter or editor to read your release. Use a headline like Five Reasons Kids Are Rotten: And What Parents Can Do About It.

(City you live in – Today’s Date) In the first paragraph answer the who, what, why and where. Sometimes that’s all the reporter will read. Don’t bury important information farther down in the release. You can expand on each of those factors, who, what, why, and where later on in the release.

Keep your approach newsworthy. Of course you are excited that your book is being published, but why should anyone else be excited. Reporters are looking for news. If your book is nonfiction, stress the benefits to the reader. How will it improve their life, make them richer, smarter, thinner, or more beautiful. (Personally I always go for richer and smarter because if you’re smart, you can figure out a way to become thinner and more beautiful. And if you’re rich you can pay for it.) If the book is fiction see if you can relate the theme to today’s news or events.

The news release shouldn’t be more than one page single spaced. Although many smaller publications may print the release as is, most newspapers will want to use the release as just the beginning of their story.

Triple check grammar and spelling.

Send the release to as many of your media contacts as you can on a personalized basis. Never use a blind carbon copy if you’re using email to distribute the release. Never, never, never, use a cc list where all the names of the recipients are visible. It takes much more time, but send your releases out one at a time. Or, of course you can use our press release distribution service.

If you have a spam filter, send the release to yourself to see if it gets caught. Most filters will tell you why they filed an email as spam, then you can reword so it doesn’t get caught.

Find out more about our press release distribution service