It seems not a day goes by without someone publishing another self-help book that promises to transform your life. In fact we've become so used to this that we often take cutting-edge breakthroughs almost for granted.
This could be the case for a groundbreaking new goal-setting system called: The Intention Generator
Created by Tony McKenzie, a London-based coach and trainer, this online program promises to create a transformation in your life so profound that you may experience a permanent shift as you dissolve the barriers to your success.
What separates this new system from its rivals is its miraculous speed in creating results by utilizing a cutting-edge subliminal technology.
At the core of this system is a powerful subliminal recording that promises to "adjust" your mind to accept a new belief as the "truth" in one minute 42 seconds after listening to it just once!
There are many skeptics who question the effectiveness of subliminal recordings, and even conventional thinking on them states that it may take weeks and even months for them to have any effect.
Mr. McKenzie has answered these critics and skeptics by creating a short subliminal movie and releasing it on YouTube that literally conditions people to believe that George W Bush, the current US Commander in Chief, is in fact the greatest president in American history.
Considering his current standing in US opinion polls, this would seem to be the perfect test of this new technology; however Tony is keen to point out that the effects of the movie are not permanent.
You can find out more about this amazing new online system by going to:
You can watch the subliminal movie on YouTube by going to: YouTube
Tony McKenzie lives in London, and owns the coaching and training firm TD McKenzie Training, which specialises in cutting edge strategies for personal and organisational change; he is also the author of the book You Were Born Invincible as the well as the creator of several other state-of-the-art mind conditioning programs, including The McKenzie Mastery Process, Quit Smoking in 3 Minutes, Instant Speed Learning and The Intention GeneratorT Mind Conditioning System.
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